Looking across the dam to the game lodge at Intundla

The Success of the Team – The Lion Pride Dynamics

“The success of the team is because of the individual and the success of the individual is because of the team.” Ian Thomas - author of The Power of The Pride

Lions are still the kings of the Animal Kingdom and when it comes to business teams there is a lot we can learn from them:

1. Lions use their Unique Strengths to become the best Pride

  • Because the success of the team is so dependent on the strength of the individuals it is important for each team member to know their own strengths.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others; in a team we all have different strengths.
  • Concentrate on your strengths not your weaknesses. Working towards increasing your strengths will bring more fulfilment and bring teams closer to becoming the best they can be.
  • Find people who inspire you and align with them. We can learn a lot from others, even people we feel competitive towards, whether it is a mentor, employee or co-worker.
  • Increase the team’s strengths by partnering with the right people. This gives the team varieties of perspectives, talents and skills to get the job done.
  • Sometimes we need the pain of failure to revise and reassess; use failure as motivation. If you are taking risks and failing, keep failing forward.

2. Lions keep Adapting to their Environment

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” Jim Rohn

  • Teams need to stay flexible and aware of changes in their environment, with the ability to keep changing with that.
  • As a team you must embrace the uncertainty that any change brings; let fear prod you to take action toward your most important goals.
  • Create prototypes with your team that will move you along the way of change.
  • Find fingerprints in others’ successes. Then adapt this and apply this to your own team.
  • Dare most when times are darkest. It is often through adverse situations and taking risks when you feel most vulnerable that the greatest success is achieved.

3. Lions have certain Elements in their Pride that makes them the best

  • Team goals must be clearly specified and agreed upon by all members.
  • The commitment of all the members is vital for the team to function optimally. Personal agendas will weaken the team.
  • Rewards need to be shared by all members of the team. If rewards aren’t shared there is no incentive to be committed to the team goals.
  • Roles of the team members need to be defined clearly. This creates better responsibility and avoids unnecessary frustration.
  • Trust plays a pivotal role in the success of any team. Lack of trust will shift the team members focus away from the team goals to protecting individual positions. Good communication ensures the best teamwork, and without it little teamwork will happen.

Intundla Game Lodge can offer you Extreme Lion Experiences at a neighbouring farm Mahala View. They use the Behaviour of Lions and the Pride Dynamics to bring a new perspective into human behaviour and to promote values like Trust, Respect, Order, Competition etc.
They also use the Lion Theme in Team Building for groups from all walks of life, from Private to Corporate environments.

You can book your Lion Experience at Mahala View through Intundla Game Lodge.

Intundla is the best Team Building venue near Pretoria, with expansive grounds and a dam for large group activities like survivor, laser games, great escape, raft building and our bomas are popular for potjiekos competitions, parties and functions.


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