Believe it or not but despite all our sophistication when we meet someone for the first time our primal instincts are doing most of the work for us. In the brief few seconds of a first meeting the senses have assessed this new person and hard wired the results to the brain. So while we...
Tag: Conferences
Crafting that perfect Elevator Pitch
Whether you run a conference venue, the corner café or an SEO Company, when faced with meeting people or prospective clients you have to know what to say and how to say it to get them eager to want to know more, book their next conference at your venue or have their regular lattes at...
How to run effective Meetings and Conferences
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin Most meetings lack in the arena of inspiration, they are habitually boring and unproductive. Some conventions get the folks involved all excited but have no follow through. Your meetings don’t have to be this way. Here are some ways for making your conferences...
Conference Venue Greening – Tips to keep your Conference Environmentally Friendly
When attending a Conference or Team Build at Intundla Game Lodge & Bush Spa, you can’t help but notice that you are surrounded by nature. While situated in the heart of Dinokeng we are close enough to Gauteng and Pretoria to give that “away from it all feeling” without even having to think of getting...
Mastering the art of networking for conferences and events
One of the top reasons for attending a conference is networking. Swapping cards and showing industry peers that your face is the face of your company and that you are open for business. Increasing your circle of influence through face to face contact and nurturing those contacts is still the number one way to expand...
How to Effectively Integrate Social Media into your next Conference
If you are in the Conference and Event Industry chances are good that you’ve had to struggle with the issue of delegate engagement. By using Social Media effectively you can create better delegate participation and create relevance and meaning at your next event. Whether big or small, Events are great platforms for creating conversations around...
How to Increase Delegate Engagement at Conferences
In our fast paced world it has become more and more difficult to engage delegates at a conference. If you have recently attended, or spoken at a conference lately, you will know that it is nothing new seeing most people focussed on their laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc. while the speaker is trying his/her best...
The 5 Biggest Conferencing Trends for 2013
The global financial crisis has initiated changes in the conferencing industry. Despite the financial pinch and the increase in the use of video conferencing as a tool, there is still no substitute for meeting face to face in a neutral environment. This trend has ensured that conferences are still on the increase but the outcome...