Wait before posting your Congratulations
Don’t post anything about the couple’s engagement or wedding announcement before you’ve checked with them. They might still have people that they would like to inform about their plans. Unless of course they’ve announced it on social media themselves.
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Never post photos of the Bridal Gown before the day
You might be privy to see the wedding dress before the wedding, or even go gown shopping with the bride. You don’t want to steal the look on the groom’s face when he sees the bride walking down the aisle in her dress for the first time.
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Related article: Social Media and Getting Married
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Be sensitive when posting about the Wedding arrangements
It is more than likely that not all of the bride and groom’s friends have been invited to their wedding. This way you avoid possible awkwardness for the couple.
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Don’t take photos during the Ceremony
This could get in the way of the professional photographer but also try and just be in the moment. Some times are best to leave the smartphone in your purse or pocket.
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Stay clear of the professional wedding photographer
Unless the bride and groom have specifically requested that you refrain from taking any photos, most couples will probably be happy if you take a few. But stay clear of the professional photographer and do not try and catch the bride and groom’s attention while they’re busy with their photographer!
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Show the Bride and Groom in the best light
This is their special day and they’ve probably paid a lot of money to have a professional photographer. Be kind and respectful and don’t post photos of the bride and groom that will show them in a bad light.
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Ask permission before you share
The best way to go about it is to first ask the bridal couple for permission before posting any photos or videos of them. Find out if they have a designated social media coordinator that will first vet all images.
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Use the wedding Hashtag #
The reason for the hashtag is so that all their wedding photos will be in one place. Do use the hashtag and encourage others to do the same.
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Only use the areas designated for cell phone use
Some bridal couples will ask you to only use your mobile phone in designated areas. Do respect the couple’s wishes, and if the wedding is unplugged, put your phone away and just enjoy the day with them. You’d be surprised how much fun you could have without your phone!
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Related article: Social Media Etiquette at Weddings
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* TIP for the Bride and Groom – Appoint one of your bridesmaids as social media coordinator, to oversee all aspects of the social media before, during and after the Wedding. This person can create your custom wedding hashtag, inform all the guests of the social media etiquette, keep the guests in line, and collect and vet all the images after the wedding.