How to choose your Wedding #Hashtag

Hashtags are not just something teenagers use and there are lots of benefits for having one for your Wedding. The best reason to have a hashtag for your wedding (other than that it is so much fun!) is that it will allow you, after your wedding, to see the day from various angles and perspectives. This is by far the easiest way to collect all your wedding photos and comments from places like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. But how do you choose the perfect hashtag that’s not only a perfect fit for you and your better half, but won’t get absorbed in an ocean of hashtags.

Choose a Unique Hashtag

The most important thing when choosing your hashtag is to make sure it is not already taken. Your photos can get lost if the hashtag you’ve chosen is the same as something else that is hugely popular like #herecomesthebride.

So where to start?

You can go for the classis #sallywilliamhitched, or if you have a difficult last name, or one that is hard to spell, try changing it slightly, and instead of #FinlayTharpeWedding try #FarpesWedding. If you want to be a bit more creative you can always try alliteration like #sallysaysido or #thomastiestheknot. If you’ve got your eyes on a hashtag but it has already been taken, add your location or date to the end #andrewsarah2015 or #hitchedatIntundla. Using common words or wedding phrases and rhyme in your hashtag will make for some laughs, #knotabadidea #maidenknight. And I’m sure you can do far better than this! If you’re still stuck there are plenty of Wedding Hashtag Generators that will do the job for you.

Some of the best #weddinghashtags we’ve seen:





Make sure your guests know your Hashtag

There are lots of ways you can let your guests know about your hashtag. Include it in your invitation, have it displayed prominently on your Wedding Website. And of course on post some signage at the Wedding Ceremony. Other clever ways to remind your guests of your hashtag is to have it printed on the back of your place cards, attached a printed label to your confetti parcels.

Most importantly have fun with it. You could consider your 21st-century Guestbook.

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