How to Boost your Creativity

We all know that kids are pretty creative. You just have to look at any five year old playing to be utterly amazed at their creativity. Have you ever wondered then, how and when we lose our creative geniuses, or do we lose them, maybe they just hibernate a bit? As a Conference Venue we always aim to give our clients an experience that they will remember and sometimes you need extra creativity to make that happen. Which apparently we do because they keep coming back! Here is what we’ve learned about creativity.

We’ve learned that the biggest enemy of creativity is fear, we probably all know this on some deeper level. And of course we’re not born with fear it is something that creeps up on us and we become more afraid about more things over time, and by the time we’ve reached adulthood, well we’re pretty scared! So what are we most afraid of? Possible the biggest fear all adults face is losing face! This fear starts from a relatively young age already when we start competing for things like attention, praise and recognition. And escalates in our teenage years when we’d rather disappear into a crowd than stand out and get any attention!

So if fear is an enemy of creativity how do we combat fear? Well a surprising insight is that creativity is also an enemy of fear! Taking any steps of action in a creative manner boosts self-esteem that in turn decreases fear.

So let’s look at fear a bit closer.

F – False

E – Evidence

A – Appearing

R – Real
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Things (kids do) that we can do to increase our Creativity

Become curious again

If you look at any child they have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and how things work. The more you engage your mind in exploring new and interesting things, the more your creative juices will start flowing.

Take risks

Kids are less concerned with what others will think and more focused on the outcome – having fun! Along the way they learn a lot.

Keep trying

Have you ever looked at a small child mastering a skill like standing or walking? They just go at it over and over and over without ever giving up. They’re not afraid of failing even though they keep falling!


Don’t be afraid to dream again, and to dream BIG!

If you think your Team could do with some creativity boosting then come to our Conference and Team building Venue near Pretoria, only 30 minutes away and situated in a prime Game Reserve. This is the perfect venue to come and inspire your creative genius!

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