What is the biggest challenge that Leaders around the world are facing today?

The challenge that everyone faces is dealing with change. Businesses around the world today are facing challenges on the fronts of technology, communication, and organisational, world-wide competition, social, financial and political change. The world is constantly changing and the question is how do you deal with change? Do you get overwhelmed by it or do you ride the wave or are you guiding the change.

We look at the top 3 Challenges Companies are facing.

  1. Communication
    If you look back only 10 years you will see just how much has changed. The world of digital communication, and the speed of communication. We now live in a world where we constantly have a need to be in touch but at the same time we have to filter through a myriad of information. Companies are faced with the challenge of keeping in touch with their clients, and staying top of mind, without bombarding them with sales information.
  1. Technology
    One of the biggest changes in technology is possibly our communication devices and platforms. Digital communication, social media and smart phones have dramatically changed the way we communicate with our clients. If you are not able to communicate effectively to your clients on their preferred choice of device and social platform then you are losing ground.
  1. Accountability
    Information is now at everyone’s fingertips through search engines like Google and Social media sites like Facebook. Businesses are forced to be more transparent in their decision making and marketing. Before the consumer didn’t really have a voice, but with the internet and especially social media, companies don’t get away with bad service or inferior products any longer.

Related article: Building Strong Customer Relationships is Vital for your Company’s Survival

In this fast changing world you cannot keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them for the last decade and expect good results. You have to keep up with the change, keep moving forward in order to be successful. You have to be willing to experiment with innovation and new ideas and you have to realise that failure isn’t fatal as long as you keep moving forward.

Intundla Conference Venue offers the perfect environment to meet with your team or employers, strategizing about the challenges you as a company face. Ideally situated only 55 minutes from OR Tambo / Johannesburg and 30 minutes from Pretoria, in a perfect tranquil bush setting.

Let us know in the Comments section below, what are some of the challenges you face in business?

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